Introducing the Developer and the Game


I thought I'd kick off this dev blog ahead tomorrow's (planned – fingers crossed!) early access launch with a quick background of myself and the game.

My name is Seon King. I’ve worked as a strategist, producer, publisher, and consultant in the video games industry for the last 16 years, and I’ve traded stocks pretty much daily for the last five years. Hyperbolic Arcade Trading is the result of combining those two interests and creating the trading game that I wanted to play, but didn’t exist - a game that would allow me to continue enjoying (yes, it is enjoyable!) and practicing trading outside of my actual trading hours, in a way that wasn’t dry or time-consuming like a regular trading simulator. 

Having come up with the basic idea to make a trading game, I explored various genres including shooting games and platformers to find the best fit, but the one that really clicked was puzzle games. Over the next year I worked on and off on the game in my personal time, and now it’s about ready to share. I plan to reflect any feedback from the early access and complete the full game for release in spring 2020. 

The best outcome would be for Hyperbolic Arcade Trading to find a home in the trading community, to introduce newcomers to trading, but also enable more established traders to practice offline in a way that’s enjoyable and fun, but also meaningful. If it can find a following in the wider gaming community too, then all the better! To make this happen, I ask that you please(!) take an active part in the early access by:

1) Posting feedback to the game forum!

2) (VERY importantly!) Spreading the word and let anyone who might be interested know about Hyperbolic Arcade Trading. 


I’ll wrap up here for now and be back tomorrow to get this show on the road! Looking forward to building Hyperbolic Arcade Trading with you!



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